Joiner Holmes Chapel

MDF Wall Panelling

Currently wall panelling a room or part of a room is becoming very popular. It can add character and add a very nice feature to a wall or walls in a property. Modern Panelling is generally painted instead of the varnished and stained panelling of years gone by.

Did you know?

The height of your wall Panelling is generally put into 3 groups.
  • 900mm high or just under the window
  • 2000mm high or four fifths of the height of the room
  • full height up to the ceiling

In a modern property most people have option 1 or 3, option 2 generally goes in older houses. This style of wall panelling is therefore used as a plate rail on the top to house ornaments and plates.

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There are 3 types of construction of MDF Panelling:

1 – You have a modern house with flat walls and the 88mm x 9mm verticals and horizontals can be fixed to the wall. This still leaves the skirting boards on, providing they have a 9mm flat on the top of the skirting. This is a very economical way of working and great results.

2 – You live in a semi modern house but the walls are uneven and bumpy and has to be wall papered or paper lined to hide aging. This can still be done by applying a backing board before the 88mm x 9mm. It will still give the same great effect but usually will involve removing the skirting boards and replacing them onto the backing board. Option 2 is generally double the price of option 1.

3 – You live in a old house and want the Panelling traditional and the panels are made by jointing the material together and bringing it to you as a frame (similar to what you see in a courthouse or church). This is the most expensive way of Panelling and not economical. However, it is traditional and in keeping with older properties.

Wall panel designs Middlewich
Wall panel designs Middlewich
Wall panel designs Middlewich

Wall Panelling – Other things to consider…

If you are doing a single wall with no switches or wall lights to factor in it’s going to be a lot cheaper than doing a hall way with radiators, doors, switches and multiple corners even if the square meter age is less.

Would the room be clear for the process to take place in? Sometimes it’s impossible to clear a room totally as there is no where to put everything.

Walking into a completely clear room so the work can be carried out with ease means the job can be quicker and cost less.

Please note: If a customer agrees to clear the room then fails to do so a job cannot be expected to be the same price.

Wall panel designs Middlewich

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