We often refer to the fact that if you are looking to purchase oak that it is likely you will be faced with bulk purchasing. Now this is not always something that we want and can sometimes become quite stressful. If you are looking for quality oak supply, it doesn’t mean that you want huge quantities.

The following infographic has been put together in order to guide you through the purchase process for buying oak. This starts with the fact it is important to appreciate that oak is a natural product. Any natural product offers individuality and uniqueness. For joinery this is an incredible opportunity.

It then goes onto state that as a material, oak is a dense timber.

What does this mean?

This means that anything produced from oak is sturdy and strong. It allows incredible scope to create a huge range of furniture products that will stand the test of time.

From this, it discusses sourcing quality oak. This really is the key to success as high-quality oak will produce long-lasting items. This takes into consideration aesthetic qualities as well as additional benefits of rot resistance and warping.

This links seamlessly into the fact that you need to locate a reputable Company to source your oak from. We offer a wide range of highest-quality oak products. We are extremely well-versed in all aspects in relation to our products and how best to offer advice. This allows our clients to purchase the best product for their individual project.

Part of this is the grading system that oak is categorised by. This ranges from highest grade to mid-grade and finally lower grade. Have you got questions about any of the above aspects or purchasing oak? Contact Squirrel Joinery today; we offer only the best quality oak products. Call us on 07887 987427 today.